Dear No one, It’s been a while…

2 min readDec 17, 2020

Dear No One,

Guess what I’m doing. I am currently writing to you, long-hand, on a napkin, while (get this) riding on a late night bus route. Or it might be early morning now… I couldn’t be any more of the main character than I am at this moment. I’m kind of into it.

I apologize for the abrupt, dramatic, exit a few weeks ago. I fell into a bit of a hole. I might have been a little too excited about the blogs so, naturally, I kind of just gave everything at once. Wore myself out a little bit. You know the typical like tortured artist shit that, all of a sudden, you just feel like you have nothing to say? Or you feel like you’re just that bitch who has never actually had an original thought? Yeah, that’s that shit. Also, I’m not sure if we’ve met but, Hi, I’m Jordan. I’m also that bitch who picks and drops hobbies faster than anyone else I know. Seriously, I’ve had my phone battery last longer than some of my “passions.” But, no worries because I am back…at least for now.

I’ve just kind of been focusing on getting rest and taking care of myself these days. Every day I feel drained but in somewhat of a good way, you know? Like, I was super productive that day and everything just feels like I’ve earned it, or at least started to. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my bad days where all I want to do is hide in my room, but I’ve been doing better at getting myself out of it when it happens. I’m really happy about that.

I know that me writing this out is kind of pointless because by the time it gets to all of you, it’ll be typed…and this may seem a little excessive, but I miss actually writing. There is nothing more therapeutic than putting pen to paper and just letting shit out. At least that’s how I feel, so this is the new process. I invite you guys to join me on whatever the hell this is. I still haven’t figured it out yet, but it feels closer than it did earlier. I think we’ll know soon. If not, no worries.

So, that’s the update. Thank you for reading! I’ll be back before you know it.



